
How To Do Sales Enablement Effectively

February 5, 2024
1 minute

Sales enablement is an important strategy for driving go-to-market success and achieving revenue growth. Organizations with sales enablement achieve a 49% win rate on forecasted deals, compared to 42.5% for those without. Companies with sales enablement strategies experience an 8% increase in their quarterly revenue. 84% of sales reps achieve their quotas when their employer incorporates a best-in-class sales enablement program. 

Sales enablement greatly influences sales; 76% of businesses report a rise in revenues of 6% to 20%. The sales enablement industry is estimated to be worth 2.4 billion. Sales teams that work closely with marketing see 41% greater growth in reaching their quotas. 77.1% of companies with a sales force exceeding 500 people have dedicated sales enablement in compared to 39.3% of companies with 25 or fewer. Lack of staff and resources is also seen as one of the biggest barriers to sales enablement maturity, cited by 52% of respondents.
Sales enablement program

Key Steps for Effective Sales Enablement

Every successful sales enablement needs effective CURATE-ion:

  • Create a mission for your sales enablement playbook: Developing a clear mission for your sales enablement playbook is essential. This mission should outline the purpose, goals, and strategies of the sales enablement program. It serves as a guiding light for the entire sales enablement team, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives.
  • Utilize micro-content: Micro-content, such as short videos, infographics, and brief product summaries, can be highly beneficial in the sales enablement process. It allows sales reps to access and share relevant information quickly, catering to the short attention spans of modern buyers. Micro-content can be easily integrated into sales enablement platforms and used for just-in-time learning, making it a valuable tool for on-the-go sales teams.
Micro-content in sales enablement program
  • Regularly optimize sales enablement content: The sales enablement content should be regularly optimized based on the feedback from the sales team and the performance metrics. This ensures that the content remains relevant, engaging, and aligned with the evolving needs of the sales process and the target audience.
  • Align with all stakeholders: Effective sales enablement requires collaboration across various departments, including sales, marketing, and product development. By working together, these teams can ensure that the content, tools, and resources provided to the sales team are comprehensive, accurate, and tailored to the needs of the customers at different stages of the sales funnel.
  • Establish clear goals and track KPIs: Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is of great importance for sales enablement initiatives. These goals should be aligned with the overall business objectives and should be regularly evaluated and refined to adapt to changing market conditions and business needs. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be tracked to measure the effectiveness of the sales enablement program
  • Train continuously: Continuous training and coaching are essential for the success of a sales enablement program. Sales reps should be equipped with the latest product knowledge, sales techniques, and market insights to effectively engage with prospects and customers. Coachable moments should be identified and used to improve the performance of the sales team.
  • Establish clear goals and track KPIs: Setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is of great importance for sales enablement initiatives. These goals should be aligned with the overall business objectives and should be regularly evaluated and refined to adapt to changing market conditions and business needs. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be tracked to measure the effectiveness of the sales enablement program.

By following these steps, businesses can effectively implement sales enablement strategies to drive revenue growth and sales success. With the right tools, training, and content- sales teams can engage prospects and customers more effectively, leading to increased win rates, deal size, and revenue.

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